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March 10, 2023

Discover How Kelly Kierans Built Her Net Worth from Scratch

If you’re curious about how some people go from having no money to having substantial wealth, look no further than Kelly Kierans’ story. Kelly started her journey with little savings and minimal income but through perseverance and smart choices, she was able to build a net worth of over a million dollars.

Kelly took a few years and a lot of hard work to achieve her financial goals, but her story can inspire others who are looking to build their wealth from scratch. Let’s dive into how Kelly Kierans built her net worth from scratch.

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Kelly Kierans grew up in a family that did not have a lot of money. She had to work from a very young age, starting with babysitting and then working part-time jobs throughout high school and college. When she graduated from college, she had about $10,000 in student loan debt but no other debt. Kelly moved from a low-paying job to another one and saved whatever she could. After a few years of diligently saving, Kelly had saved enough money to start investing.

Section 1: Pursuing a higher-paying job

Kelly worked as a receptionist right after college, but she always had her eyes open for jobs that paid better and had better benefits. She began searching for higher-paying jobs and was eventually offered a position as a project coordinator at a company that paid better and had more room for advancement.

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Section 2: Living Below One’s Means

Kelly decided to save every penny she could and live below her means. She moved into a cheaper apartment, cooked at home more often than eating out, and bought used clothes. She took advantage of every savings opportunity that she could find and put that extra money towards paying off her debts and starting her life savings. Her stringent saving enabled her to save over $30,000 in a few years.

Section 3: Smart Investment Choices

Once Kelly had saved up a significant amount of money, she decided to start investing. She looked into the stock market and learned all about investment options. Kelly invested in index funds, which provided her with decent returns over the years.

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Section 4: Building a Strong Credit Score

Kelly knew the importance of having a high credit score, so she made sure to always pay her bills on time and did not take out more loans than what she needed. Her financial discipline helped her have an excellent credit score, which made getting approvals for higher savings accounts and investment account easy.

Section 5: Consistency is Key

Kelly Kierans knew that it would take a lot of time and effort to build her wealth, and consistency is crucial. She set long term saving goals, continued to live below her means, and contributed the maximum amount allowed in her retirement accounts, consistently over time.

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Section 6: Expert Advise

Kelly also consulted with a few financial experts who advised her on investment decisions, budgeting, and saving plans. The expert advice helped her make more informed decisions about her financial future and helped her grow her net worth at a more significant pace.

Section 7: Exploring Multiple Streams of Income

Kelly considered the value of additional income streams and started a side business selling handmade crafts during her free time. While this may not be a feasible option for everyone, it’s a testament to Kelly’s dedication to the process of building wealth. Approaching income from different angles can go a long way towards building a stable financial future.

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7 FAQs About Building Wealth from Scratch

Q1. How do I save money if I have a low income?
A1. One strategy would be to cut unnecessary expenses, start living a frugal lifestyle and allocate at least 10% of your income towards savings.

Q2. What are some basic investment options for beginners?
A2. Some beginner investment options that you can consider include stocks, mutual funds, index funds, or real estate investment trusts.

Q3. Can investing help me build my net worth?
A3. Yes, investing can help you build your net worth over time. It will require effort, patience, and a bit of research to make wise investment decisions.

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Q4. How can I improve my credit score?
A4. You can pay your bills on time, avoid opening new lines of credit too frequently, and keep monthly credit card balances low.

Q5. What does it mean to live below one’s means?
A5. Living below one’s means means cutting expenses and finding ways to lower your lifestyle’s cost to save more money and invest it in your future.

Q6. Is it possible to start investing with little savings?
A6. Yes, investing with a little amount is possible, and you can start with as low as $5. However, it’s always wise to save enough money for emergencies before investing any amount.

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Q7. Can having multiple streams of income help me build my net worth faster?
A7. Yes, having several income streams provides additional funds that you can allocate towards savings and investment, which could accelerate your net worth growth over time.


Kelly Kierans’ journey from having no net worth to over a million dollars offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to take control of their financial situation. Her consistent efforts, smart investment choices, frugal lifestyle, and expert advice helped her grow her net worth steadily. You can also enhance your financial future by adopting some of Kelly’s strategies and putting them into practice. If Kelly could do it, so can you. Start shaping your financial future today with consistency, discipline, and dedication.

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