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  • “The Surprising Truth About Kylie Rae Harris’ Daughter: Age, Net Worth, and Life Story Unveiled!”
January 11, 2023

The world was left in shock when country music singer Kylie Rae Harris passed away in a tragic car accident in 2019. Following her death, people were curious about her personal life, including her daughter Corbie. In this post, we will cover everything there is to know about Corbie’s age, net worth, and life story, which may surprise you.

Early Life:
Corbie was born to Kylie Rae Harris and ex-partner, Geoffrey Todd. She was born on April 12, 2014, in Texas, USA. At the time of her mother’s passing, she was only five years old.

Relationship with her Parents:
Corbie’s parents’ relationship was complicated, and they had to co-parent her. She lived with her mom and saw her dad on weekends. In an interview with Taste of Country, Harris opened up about how Corbie had helped her change her lifestyle into a more responsible one.

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Net Worth:
As of 2021, Corbie’s net worth is difficult to determine as her financial information is not disclosed. However, it’s safe to say that she comes from a well-to-do family considering her mother was a successful country singer.

Life after Kylie Rae’s Death:
After her mother’s death, Corbie has been living with her father, Geoffrey Todd. Todd set up a GoFundMe page for her college fund, which has raised over $40,000 so far. In an Instagram post, Todd stated that they visited places that her mother loved, listening to songs she sang, and angel messages they could find that her mother left for her daughter.

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Hobbies and Interests:
While her hobbies and interests are not publicly known, it can be assumed that she has been exploring different interests at her young age.

Corbie in the Media:
Corbie has been kept out of the media limelight, and her father has protected her privacy. In a social media post after her mother’s death, he thanked Kylie’s fans but also requested them to “respect their family’s privacy.”

In conclusion, Corbie has become a symbol for her mother’s legacy, and fans continue to follow her growth. Her life may have started with tragedy, but she has a bright future ahead of her.

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1. Who is Corbie Harris’ father?
Geoffrey Todd is Corbie Harris’ father.
2. How old is Corbie Harris?
Corbie Harris was born on April 12, 2014, she is seven years old as of 2021.
3. How has Kylie Rae Harris’ death affected Corbie’s life?
Corbie has been living with her father, and her family has been protecting her privacy since her mother’s death.
4. Has Corbie shared any of her mother’s interests?
Corbie’s interests are not publicly known, but her father has mentioned that they have been listening to the songs that her mother sang.
5. How much has been raised for Corbie’s college fund?
As of 2021, over $40,000 has been raised for Corbie’s college fund.

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